Temporary Work Visas

We have the expertise in immigration law needed to help individuals, entrepreneurs, and employers choose the right visa strategy, and we distinguish ourselves in our representation throughout the visa application process.

We provide representation to secure these types of temporary visas:

  • Business – B-1 visitors
  • Professionals – H-1B, H-1B-1, E-3, and TN visas
  • Corporate Transferees – L-1A executives/managers and L-1B specialized knowledge
  • Extraordinary Ability – O-1 visas
  • Investors – E-1 and E-2 treaty traders/investors
  • Students – F-1 visas
  • Seasonal workers – H-2A and H-2B visas
  • Training – H-3 and J-1 corporate training visas
  • Religious Workers – R-1 visas
  • Artists, Athletes, and Performers – P-2 visas

At Davis Immigration, we focus on representing immigrants, their families, and their employers.