Family-Based Immigration

We represent clients in all aspects of family-based immigration. We analyze cases at the outset to address potential eligibility issues before submitting an application to the agency because applying for an immigration benefit without being eligible can lead inadvertently to removal or deportation.

Family-Based Permanent Residence

While applying for permanent residence based on marriage to a U.S. citizen may be among the most expeditious ways to immigrate, these petitions also carry special concerns. The couple must be able to prove that they married in good faith, and not to evade immigration law. A marriage fraud finding is one of the most severe immigration law penalties. If the marriage is less than two years old, the immigrant spouse becomes a conditional resident with a permanent resident card that expires within two years. An additional application is required to remove the conditional status or the status is automatically terminated.

We have expertise addressing particularly challenging eligibility or admissibility issues that may arise during the family-based petition process. Our firm has advanced experience preparing successful waiver applications to help clients overcome obstacles to immigration because of admissibility problems, whether health-related, criminal related, security-related, or previous deportation, misrepresentations, or unlawful presence. We help our clients with all steps involved in processing for immigrant visas through U.S. consulates abroad with waiver applications to overcome ineligibility findings.

At Davis Immigration, we focus on representing immigrants, their families, and their employers.