Corporate Compliance

U.S. employers face audits and inspections for immigration law compliance as part of the federal government’s enforcement policy regardless of whether they sponsor employees for immigration benefits. Employers risk sanctions, disbarment, and adverse publicity for non-compliance. They need to maintain surprisingly difficult employment eligibility verification forms without engaging in unlawful discrimination.

We help employers comply with constantly changing immigration regulations and we defend them in agency enforcement actions. From Form I-9 training seminars and paperwork audits to representation during DHS/ICE inspections, we assist employers with ongoing workforce compliance to avoid federal employer sanctions for I-9, social security, and other immigration-related violations.

Our corporate compliance services include:

  • Form I-9 Audits, including reviewing existing Forms I-9 for technical errors and recommending lawful corrections to mitigate sanction in the event of a Homeland Security investigation;
  • Training seminars for company leadership and human resources staff on proper I-9 completion, verification requirements, record keeping, and avoiding anti-discrimination issues.
  • Assisting employers with effective internal compliance policies.
  • Providing representation before ICE/Department of Homeland Security during I-9 inspection and negotiations and seeking redress before an administrative law judge and/or federal district court.

At Davis Immigration, we focus on representing immigrants, their families, and their employers.