Citizenship & Naturalization

For many clients, citizenship represents the culmination of a long adventure through temporary visas, extensions of status, family or employer-based visa petitions, and permanent residence that requires patience, persistence, and, at times, providence.

Citizenship & Naturalization

U.S. permanent residence may be an end in itself, but there are distinct advantages in becoming a U.S. citizen. The benefits include the ability to vote, bring family members to the U.S., hold a federal job, get a U.S. passport, qualify for certain public benefits, and live in another country without losing permanent residence.

Naturalization requires an application that is followed by a scheduled USCIS fingerprinting, examination, and swearing-in ceremony. Naturalization applications may be filed with USCIS up to 90 days before the end of the required five years of permanent residence (or within three years for those married to U.S. citizens).

At Davis Immigration, we focus on representing immigrants, their families, and their employers.